Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

im going to get it together, no worries you guys! im like SUPER WOMAN.
oh no ! my computer only have Micrsoft Works and Mr.h wants word ! what am i going to do ?! cut and paste is not working !!!! grrr
just finish all my homework ! ahhhh, now let me read "study" and i will be able to get a good night sleep.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

heres a funny video i found from MadTV. lol

lettme not forget about my other friends, we love FASHION ! all of us have our own since of style, cant you tell ?

look at us now, PARTY ANIMALS :) LOL

my best FRIEND and i out first year in hs. wow times flies so fast :)
currently listening to Beyonce to calm my stress .
owe ! i had an appointment today ! dang i missed it -_-
Just got home from work, im so tired! but i got homework thanks to Mr.H.

Sign , life of a College Girl ;)

Monday, July 12, 2010

can you multitask ? i can most definetely ! I just ate, did my work, and talk on the phone at the same time . jealous now ? lol How good are you ?
please tell me you know what " LOL" stands for ?! if not your going to be lost on alot of my post because thats all i do mostly is laughh. im very goofy . *laughing out loud
okay, let me stop posting and do my paragraph essay number tres. Yes, i speak a little bit of espanol lol. This blog stuff is a bit like facebook, i like =)
Want to hear something cool ? , i got the most train dog ever ! i love her alot, Roxy is her name . She can open the door (it has to be crack) , sit when demanded , play dead, scratch the door when ready to go out . You cant tell me you dont want a dog like that ?! opps to bad if you did, shes all mine :)
Right after i post my reflection on the story ,"Baba and Dady Gus" my internet cut off ! thank you LORD ! it sent , cause i dont quit remember what I wrote. haha
Its so crazy because evrytimes i get on this website, YARDLY profile pops up, YARDLY this is not your computer , GET YOUR OWN!lol .jk girlie but its weird.
I hope Edgar understood what he had to do for his post because if he tried to call me my phones was off lol , sorry .
owe i so work better doing my homework at night , i feel so relax :)

Katina Jones

In Class with Theresa helping Edgar with his profile, blahhh ! lol .

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Katina Jones

Post #5
I think im getting the hang of this blogging thing , well if im doing this right lol

Katina Jones

Post #4
Finally done with all my homework, yikes ! does this feels gooooddd :)

Katina Jones

Katina Jones
English 20
Cerritos College
Post #3

The Allegory of the Cave

This story was extremely difficult for me to understand . I had to read it several times. The quote in line 19, "When he approaches the light his eyes will be dazzled, and he will not be able to see anything at all of what are now called realities"stood out to me the most. It brefly explains to us reader that regardless of what happens if he is able to see the outside world, he will still be confuse because he was never taught what reality is. It was so sad to know that they were being chain from their necks and even their foot. They also had fire in front of their face and I can relate to that because its hurts my eyes when im standing in front of a Barbeq pit. Being control by puppets can be boring and fustrating to look at all day everyday so I can imagine how they feel on a daily.This story translates to me in a message stating that if I dont control myself someone else would and they not gone always teach you the good things in life.If I would have started following society and not my own thoughts who knows where I would be at right now.However, I do not knock those who do follow I just tend to handle my decision differently.

Katina Jones

Katina Jones
English 20
Cerritos College
Post #2


The story that I have chosen was Cathedral. Cathedral came off interesting to me so I did not get bored which is the type of stories that I love. This happens to be a very mysterious story about a young married man name Bub meeting Robert the blind man for the first time because of the wifes close relationship with him. The wife and Robert were like Video pals since she had stop working for him as his assistance reading and helping him out with things. I can say that everyones first impression on that particular part was extremely mortifying. Reading the story I did not think that they were going to get along so well because of the fact that bub was skeptical about a blind man who he knew nothing about was spending the night over his house .Surprisingly they ended up getting along great .I do not fault Bub for his random thoughts about blind men which was completly unture because believe it or not evryone sterotype whether it is about a gender, disability , or ethnicity.There was a part at the end when Bub was trying to explain to Robert about what a Cathdral was and Robert made Bub draw a Cathedral with his eyes close. The story began to get a bit of emotional because it was as if he was Robert , a blind man drawing with his heart and not his eyes.
Guess What guys ! I finally got the INTERNET ! whew hoooooooooooooooooo!!!! let the blogging begaannnn muuuuhahahhahahaha :)