Sunday, July 11, 2010

Katina Jones

Katina Jones
English 20
Cerritos College
Post #2


The story that I have chosen was Cathedral. Cathedral came off interesting to me so I did not get bored which is the type of stories that I love. This happens to be a very mysterious story about a young married man name Bub meeting Robert the blind man for the first time because of the wifes close relationship with him. The wife and Robert were like Video pals since she had stop working for him as his assistance reading and helping him out with things. I can say that everyones first impression on that particular part was extremely mortifying. Reading the story I did not think that they were going to get along so well because of the fact that bub was skeptical about a blind man who he knew nothing about was spending the night over his house .Surprisingly they ended up getting along great .I do not fault Bub for his random thoughts about blind men which was completly unture because believe it or not evryone sterotype whether it is about a gender, disability , or ethnicity.There was a part at the end when Bub was trying to explain to Robert about what a Cathdral was and Robert made Bub draw a Cathedral with his eyes close. The story began to get a bit of emotional because it was as if he was Robert , a blind man drawing with his heart and not his eyes.

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